TOPPAGE > About tax exemption
About tax exemption

Thank you for shopping at our store.
Please read the following while you wait.
The display prices don’t include tax.
When your purchase exceeds \5,000 , it qualifies for the tax exemption.
As we use a cash register for the tax exemption , the tax isn’t added to your purchase.
Price is correct.Make sure you keep your receipt.
The tax-free procedures must be completed the same day you buy the goods.
This store’s procedure is all completed in this store.
We can’t help with another store’s receipt.
No special procedure is required at the airport.
Please put your goods in your carry-on to ensure they don’t break.
Thank you.
Please read the following while you wait.
The display prices don’t include tax.
When your purchase exceeds \5,000 , it qualifies for the tax exemption.
As we use a cash register for the tax exemption , the tax isn’t added to your purchase.
Price is correct.Make sure you keep your receipt.
The tax-free procedures must be completed the same day you buy the goods.
This store’s procedure is all completed in this store.
We can’t help with another store’s receipt.
No special procedure is required at the airport.
Please put your goods in your carry-on to ensure they don’t break.
Thank you.
【For example】 View of receipt when you buy A,B,C,D goods.